UX/UI Designer &
Front End Developer.
This is my Full Stack portfolio.
User Experience and User Interface Designer with Full Stack Development skills. Over 10 years of experience within product development, digital marketing & creative design in a variety of industries. I pride myself in thinking out of the box to discover new creative business solutions, in learning new technologies quickly and with bringing outsourced work in-house. I'm passionate about web accessibility and creating brands that demonstrate inclusivity for all.
React, Node, Heroku, JS6, JSX and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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GitHub Repo
A React.js memory game that requires you to break up your application's UI into components, manage component state, and respond to user events.
React, Node, JS6, JSX, Express, Axios, MongoDB, Mongoose, Heroku, Bootstrap with HTML & CSS
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project:
React-based New York Times Article Search application. React components, work with helper/util functions, and utilize the React mounting lifecycle to query and display articles based on user searches. Using Node, Express and MongoDB so that users can save articles to read later.
React, Node, JS6, JSX, Express, Axios, MongoDB, Mongoose, Heroku, React Bootstrap with HTML & CSS
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: VOTE NOW is an application to encourage people to actively engage and participate in the elections by providing information about where to vote and a list of their candidates. VOTE NOW's helpful resources include podcasts and links to a variety of resources that allows them to make a educated and informed decision.
Node, Express, mySQL, Heroku, Handlebars, JawsDB, Path, Body-parser, Javascript/JQuery and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: Burger logger with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and a
homemade ORM. Node and MySQL to query and route app data, and Handlebars to generate the HTML.
Node, Cheerio, Express, Mongoose, Handlebars, MVC, Heroku, Javascript/JQuery, and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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| GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: Web app that lets users view and leave notes on the latest news articles from The Onion news site. I used Node.js with Mongoose and Cheerio to scrape news from The Onion.
Node, Express, Sequelize MVC, mySQL, Heroku, Handlebars, JawsDB, Javascript/JQuery and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: Full stack trip planner application for the Boundary Water Canoe Area. Application allows
users to plan a trip and leave a review that you can create, read, update and delete.
Node, Express, Heroku and POSTman Javascript/JQuery and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: This full-stack site will take in results from your users' surveys, then compare their answers with those from other users. The app will then display the name and picture of the user with the best overall match.
It uses Express to handle routing. The app is deployed to Heroku so other users can fill it out.
Node, mySQL, NPM Inquirer, NPM Chalk, Javascript
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: Bamazon is an Amazon-like storefront built with mySQL. The app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the Bamazon product inventory.
The app also comes with a 'Bamazon Manager's Tool' which lets a manger view products, add inventory and create new products to the mySQL database.
Node, NPM Spotify package, NPM Twitter Package, OMDB API, Javascript
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: LIRI is like iPhone's SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface,
LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.
Firebase, Instagram API, Active API, Youtube API, Moment, Anime, Javascript/JQuery and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: Create an application that allows highschool tennis team members and parents/guardians to receive timely
information regarding team schedule, get information regarding upcoming tournaments, instructional videos and sharing team photos.
Giphy API, Javascript/JQuery and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: Use the GIPHY API to make a dynamic web page that populates with gifs of your choice.
Firebase, Moment, Javascript/JQuery and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: Create a train schedule application that incorporates Firebase to host arrival and departure data. The app retrieves and manipulates this information with Moment.js.
Javascript/JQuery and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: Create a Trivia game using JavaScript for the logic and jQuery to manipulate HTML.
Javascript/JQuery and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: Create a "Crystal Collector Game" app that dynamically
updates your HTML pages with the jQuery library.
Javascript and HTML/CSS with Bootstrap
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GitHub Repo
Overview of Project: Create a version
of the traditional Hangman game. This app needs to run in the browser, and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript.
Minneapolis, MN